Matt Barrett
Matt Barrett received his Bachelor of Arts in English at Gettysburg College before completing his MFA in Fiction from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). After teaching Introduction to College Writing and Rhetoric courses at UNCG, he moved to Sacramento, CA where he worked as a Writing Specialist at the University of California, Davis. During his three years in California, he completed his first novel, What of this is Yours? which is currently looking for a home. He has since moved back to Gettysburg, PA to teach creative writing at his undergraduate alma mater. You can find his writing in The Sun Magazine, The Threepenny Review, Best Microfiction 2022, SmokeLong Quarterly, Pithead Chapel, The Forge, Contrary, Hobart, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, the minnesota review, and Wigleaf, among others.